Eyelash Enhancer or Eyeline

Lashes can be made to look thicker by applying a soft, natural line
between the lashes creating instant definition. This is incredibly
effective at ‘opening the eyes’. A slightly more defined
line can be created for those clients who wish to emphasise and
add more definition to their eyes or who regularly apply eyeliner.
Eye liner and Eyelash enhancement treatments are incredibly effective at drawing attention to the eyes and can be as subtle or dramatic as required. The eyelash enhancement treatment is the implanting of pigment in-between the lashes along the lash line and is an amazing ‘eye opener’. The result is very similar to the effect that a ‘mascara wand’ leaves behind after application, except that it’s permanent.
Eye liner as the name implies is applied just above or below the lash line and can be fine or voluminous as the client requires. There are various colour combinations and effects that can be chosen to achieve the desired result and this treatment really does often prove quite a revelation in terms of the possibilities to the client.
The initial treatment requires two visits spaced approximately 4-6 weeks apart. Semi-permanent make up as the name implies requires periodical maintenance to ensure the freshness of the look, but you can expect the enhancement to last anything from 9 months to 18 months before a re-touch treatment is required.